Nitotype autotyper automatically types words for a specific nitrotype account using pynput keyboard control. The code is set to have an average error rate of your choosing, as well as a average wpm.
Diverge rate is the rate of speed change for each race. Recommended setting: 0.00014, seeing about a maximum of 15 wpm deviation.
Key press ratio is the ratio between the time spent on each key stroke, and the time between two consecutive key strokes. A ratio of 0.2 would indicate that the time between two consecutive key strokes is 4 times longer than the time spent on singular key strokes.
The program uses nitros automatically, activating on a 12 letter word.
Installing dependencies in windows cmd
The autotyper uses the webscraping library Selenium, and keyboard control Pynput.
Run commands:
pip -V #if pip is not a recognized command, reinstall the latest version of Python.
pip install selenium
pip install pynput
Please make sure the chrome driver is in the same directory. If your chrome driver is not version 86, download the correct chromedriver.
1. Is not fully automatic, any reward messages leaves errors, and exits out of the code.
2. Requires an active window open; while the program is running, the user cannot interact with other programs, as keyboard access is consumed.
I am not responsible for your account, or any misfortunes that may befall upon you from this program.